Renovations in the energy industry
Wybrane realizacje usługi:
- works on electro-filter No. 2 – Elektrociepłownia KRAKÓW S.A. on request of BUDIMEX-DROMEX S.A.
- general overhaul of circulatory water pump – El. Skawina S.A.
- turnkey performance together with design of noise attenuator installation on safety valves and de-compressors – El. Skawina S.A.
- design, performance and launch of the installation for aeration of dust tanks in pulsation filters – 9 items BOT Opole S.A.
- modernisation and insulation works for turboset TG 7 together with apparatus and piping in El. Skawina for Zakłady Remontowe Energetyki Katowice
- modernisation and general overhaul of circulatory water pump No. 2 and rotary sieve – Elektrownia Skawina S.A.
- replacement of two sections of cooling water pipeline Ø 2400 together with disassembly of the gate – Elektrownia Skawina S.A.
- modernisation and renovation works of apparatuses, equipment and installations in Elektrownia Skawina S.A.
- general overhaul of wagon tippler by FAMAK – El. Skawina S.A.
- performance of repositioning of central heating installations Ø 219 for the purposes of Flue Gas Desulphering Installation – Elektrownia Skawina S.A.
- performance of complete thermal insulations for desulphering installations – Elektrownia Skawina S.A.